Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My super duper notty niece!!

My super duper notty niece!!

Last week, i was in Ipoh...Visiting my notty niece ever... At first i met her...she just being like there was nothing happen..  Suddenly i felt very angry with her “nothing happen face (innocent)”...

“Hello...AMALIN! atam is here..”, i said.

Then.. she Just smiled n leaved ... my face turned red.. i felt like..i was so stupid n so ashamed ... argghh!! Angin nyaaa!!!

Okkk..xpe2...i tried to naturalize my super astonish face...  however..Just a few steps forward she took, she turned back and smiled...  hugged me..n said....

“atam....”, she said

Heeeeeeeeeeee......sejuk ati aku... xtergamak plak nk marah lame2 kt budak 2thun 8bulan nehh..
Our weekend went happily and so happening.. There are some pics that convenient to be showed...

Selamat mem”view”..

snap 1....kami same2 xtaw nk bt muke cmne daaaaaaa..hahhaha

snap 2 : muke xsabar2 nk kua..amalin da nk cabut lari!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

double or triple chin????

hari yang memenatkan..sakit giler kpala ..1.11.11 tarikh exam kami..man_U...8.30malam..exam hall level 8..berduyun2 manusia masuk..muka...???bapak confident..sambil2 masuk aku berdoa n pas2 cuba recall balik ape yg dah hafal.. tibe2 terdengar la suare2 sumbang yg mmg kuat giler dari sebelah kiri ku..oo..mikail(bukan nama sbenar)..berjalan kelajuan 1m/s kearahku..bergegar otak aku!! kuang ajo.. suara sama nek dgn kilat n guruh.."eh!!, nurul ko dah ade double chin", kata mikail..menyiarap darah aku...sume pandang kot..pakat dok jenguk dagu aku..

chi sin!! mane nak sorok tah muka msa tu.. aku sound r balik "oih ngok, agak2 r weh..",berlagak mcm garang.. hahha..dalam ati..."alamak...!!kene  diet nehh..ape aku nk makan???cilakak punya mikail", dalam hati berbisik...

then, at thattime..i was really2 in "undercontrol mode"..but..bile dah nk start tulis jawapan utk soalan no 1.. perghhh!! telinga aku!!terngiang2 je suare MIKAIL..dOOOUBLEE CHIIIINNN!!! just 1 second..tuupp!!lupe la ape yang aku dah hafal...bangsat tolll!!! dah la die duduk right in front of me..nk cekIKK je Rsa...

nk dipendekkan benda2 merepek yg MMG menggangu aku menyebabkan aku sakit JIWEE...n soalan 1..xLEH JAWAB !!!

i will shoot you mikail!! i promise~!!

>>>>>>p/s:::terpikir lak aku...macammana nk buang double chin ni>>>????? persoalannya disitu